Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hand- Me- Downs and a New Shirt

Isn't this shirt the cutest? A local gal made this for him to wear on the 4th. She does great work and I can't wait to order more stuff. I love anything with his name on it! He is one tired baby!

We have been so blessed by getting hand- me-downs. My neighbor brought another load of clothes and toys today. Look at this stash! This is just stuff that is not his current size. There is even more in the closet .
Hudson was unimpressed by the clothes, but loves the toys. I should have saved them and introduced them one by one, but we just couldn't wait to start playing.

He's a prodigy- already playing the piano! As a matter of fact, he rolled on his tummy and hit a few keys with his toes- now that's talent!

1 comment:

  1. very funny. Glad he likes the toys. That shirt Leslie made is adorable. I need to inspect it to see if she does anyting different then I do.
