Yesterday I took Brady to the vet for his annual shots. It was so stoked that Jimmy was off so I didn't have to manage both my "babies" at the same time. Brady is NOT a fan of the vet. Well, the shots and blood work, temp in the hinee, and stool sample (yuck) went better than ever before. At the end, we were talking about this little spot on Brady's side that I had just assumed was the equivalent of a dog skin tag. He ended up having to stay at the vet and get put to sleep and have it cut out. It was some kind of growth. When the tech was giving me his post - op instructions later that day, she mentioned that he can't go up and down steps for a week! They must have noticed my panic, because our friend Becky said just to use my common sense and TRY to limit him. I thought from the way Brady acted when I picked him up that he was just fine and I didn't check out his surgical site very closely. When we got going, I noticed there was blood on my shirt where I had carried him out. I looked and OH MY GOSH! He has this 1 1/2 inch long incision with staples and stitches! That may not sound big, but when you're only about 5 inches tall in that spot, it's quite a chunk! Another problem is keeping Brady from licking the area. Anyone who knows Brady knows he is a LICKER! We put these pajamas on him to try to keep it covered up and to distract him. Why does he have pajamas, you ask? That's another story for another day. He is doing well, but is going to have a gnarly scar. I feel so badly about leaving him alone, but i'm hitting the consignment sales today for some bargains. He'll probably welcome the rest!
Sorry to hear about Brady's surgery. Don't have to explain about the pajamas. Bubba has a life jacket for the pool that he won't go in,a car seat he won't sit in. Don't for get we have his birthday parties catered from Ruby Tuesday's, he loves their Memphis ribs. I know I should get a life. I liked the wordless Wednesday photo of Hudson. Love yall, Pam
ReplyDeletepoor Brady. Those PJ's are hilarious :)
ReplyDeleteMylinda! It finally gave me an option to post a comment! I've been trying to comment for so long, and I will see a little more of the comment part sometimes, but today, FINALLY, it gave me the button to click to post! I don't have a clue what has been wrong for it to act like this, but I'm so glad it's fixed now!!!
ReplyDeleteThose PJ's are the cutest! I'd love to find Shelby some PJ's. My hubby would flip out... and love them! :-) Hope Brady heals quickly!