Monday, July 13, 2009

Time Well Spent

One of the great things about an infant is that they don't know to be ashamed of their parents. (Or in this case, their mommy!) I missed Hudson while I was at work today, and he was is a sweet mood when I picked him up from his Nana's. We had the best ride home. I turned up the radio and we jammed out to Tom Petty's "Free Fallin" at the top of our lungs. OK, I sang and he just laughed. Then came Bon Jovi (my favorite) singing "Living on a Prayer." I love riding around singing and it appears that Hudson does, too. Sometimes it's just those special moments that make a day seem so great. I try so hard to entertain him, but just being myself totally cracks him up. Go figure! Now we're off for dinner with friends- What a great day!

1 comment:

  1. funny. Ramsey whines when I sing. I suppose he thinks my voice is pretty terrible???
