In all the chaos with the wedding this weekend, I didn't get to take any pictures on Hudson's actual 8 month birthday so yesterday I took him outside for a photo shoot. I think this is the first time I've ever put him in the grass with no blanket and he did NOT like it.

This face says it all. Doesn't he look like a fat, angry little
buddha sitting there?

I tried for about 5 minutes to get a good shot, but it wasn't happening. Now I know how to get him to be still! I sat him down in the grass and he just froze!I took him back inside and that's when the action started. In about 2 minutes he hit all his favorite hot spots:
The door stopper...

Pulling up on the door...

The vent....

and playing under the coffee table! It's fun to be Hudson!
ok, those pictures of him in the grass are hilarious. Oh, and love him in that diaper cover. Would you mind if I one of these pics on my business blog?