Today was homecoming and our church's 100th anniversary. There were many people there that I hadn't seen in years and that had never seen Hudson. Our friends, The Stinnetts, were in town and we got to spend some nice time with them. It is so pleasant being around people who love your child. Yesterday, we took Hudson with us to Dahlonaga to a wedding and made and it an all day event. His behavior was ideal! We couldn't have asked for a better baby. Now that we can feed him table food, our lives are much easier. These pictures show him in Sunday School this morning. He loves his teachers! All the toys are different form the ones we have at home, so he spends the whole time exploring. He especially loves the rocking cow, and can almost get on it by himself.
Thank you for including us in your blog! We do ADORE Hudson, but even before he came along, we fell in love with you and Jimmy. We also find it a lovely thing to spend time with people who enjoy our boys! You and Jimmy will always be very precious to us! Come see us!