Last Night we went to the Rome Braves Game with some friends. First we went to eat at Olive Garden where Hudson has several new eating experiences: peas, carrots, bread and cheerios. He and Kennedy also ate their weight in puffs. Taking a long time to eat at a restaurant is for people with no kids!
Jackson is the age to really enjoy the game, so he brought balls and bats for all the kids. He made friends with everyone sitting around us. He is really learning to share lately!
Like father like son. Jackson walked up to his dad and looked up, then posed exactly like him.
Brooklyn's beautiful smile. Towards the end of the game, some more people we knew came over and she finally had someone to play with.
Hudson telling his life story to Brandon. Sitting on Homerun hill was a blast, but it is a HILL. The babies were rolling around like little weeble wobbles! We all took turns making sure they didn't topple all the way down. In all the chaos, Hudson managed to get hold of a Little Debbie walnut brownie and start eating it.... through the plastic. I guess we learned a lot of food that he's not allergic to last night! After the game there were fireworks, and I loved getting to enjoy Hudson watching them. He was in awe! He was asleep before we even got to the car.
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