Finally Hudson has gotten to where he likes books! I was afraid that he would never be able to sit still long enough to listen to a story.
This board book is his favorite, but he likes to pull the books off the shelves in the bonus room and "read" those, too.
Most of the time the book is upside down, but may be that's good for his imagination? We try to read a book to him at night after his bath, before bed.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Playing with my friend
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Kiddie Day Parade
Earlier this week, I had the bright idea of putting the babies in the Kiddie Day Parade here in town. After a series of ideas, we settled on the theme of "Friendly Rivalry." Hudson was pulling for Ga Tech, Jackson was for Tennessee, and Kennedy and Reese were Georgia cheerleaders.
Daddy and Hudson getting ready to leave.
At first he wanted to pull his hat off, but after a while he left it alone.
Serious face. Look at that belly!
He's got his game face on!
Getting the wagons ready
We decided the guys could be the banner holders in front of our entourage. That idea was quickly squelched.
Jackson likes to ride in style. He doesn't like wagons, so he had his own set of wheels.
Raring to go- it's almost time for the parade to start!
Yay- Kennedy's here!
We could never get them to look at the same camera.

Here we go! Hudson tries to stand up in the moving wagon- not a good idea! As we started it began sprinkling. We made it about two blocks before the bottom fell out and we all bailed. We got under some awnings on the sidewalk and sent the men for our cars. We didn't get to finish the parade, but we did get breakfast at IHOP, so it was a win- win situation.
We had signs that "Friendly Rivalry" and "Game day with my friends." By the time the parade actually started, they had pulled all the signs off.
Hudson and Reese. It was too funny- he kept digging through her hair then looking at his fingers like her was picking for lice!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Adventurous day
Adventure #1: The dishwasher

Adventure #2: the baby swing

Amberly brought by the baby swing that she had at her house. Hudson was pushing the buttons to make the lights come on, so I unfolded it. He proceeded to climb in, so i positioned him and he sat and watched TV for about 5 minutes. Look at that fat little fella! The swing wouldn't actually go, but he had his own momentum.
After a while he got squirmy and decided to check things out. He never paid attention to the lights when he used this swing, but now he thinks they're really neat.
He was really proud of himself for turning all the way around and exiting through the back. He has been a little MONSTER for the past 2 days, so I'm glad we had a little levity to lighten things up.

Amberly brought by the baby swing that she had at her house. Hudson was pushing the buttons to make the lights come on, so I unfolded it. He proceeded to climb in, so i positioned him and he sat and watched TV for about 5 minutes. Look at that fat little fella! The swing wouldn't actually go, but he had his own momentum.

After a while he got squirmy and decided to check things out. He never paid attention to the lights when he used this swing, but now he thinks they're really neat.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
First Cookie
Yesterday I gave Hudson his first cookie. I realize that I'm a bit overprotective when it comes to food, and I'm trying to gradually add new things. He has never had a problem with choking, so I feel we're right on track.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Giddy up Cowboy
9 month check-up
Friday, Hudson went to the pediatrician
for his 9- month well visit. He is now 29 inches long and 22 1/2 lbs. This puts him in the 75th percentile, so I guess he's evening out now that he's mobile. Hid head is still the smallest thing- at 45cm, he's in the 25-50th percentile. When the doctor came in and saw him, he asked "Is he really only 9 months old?" He looks a lot bigger than he is due to that barrel chest he's had since birth. We got a questionnaire to fill out and send in so that they can screen him for autism and any other developmental anomalies, but I think he's right on track for his age. The doctor said that he's doing everything a 9 month old should. He got a flu shot, but it didn't seem to phase him. We'll take him back in 1 month for the second half of the shot and for a H1N1 immunization. You can see from this picture that the shot didn't slow him down any. He was raiding the fridge while I was putting up groceries.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Today as we reflect on 9/11, I wanted to post a tribute to all the men and women who lost their lives and had their families ripped apart 8 years ago. Has it really been that long? I still struggle with the things that happened on that day and the way they shaped our nation. I want to watch the documentaries that are on TV, but it's still too fresh for me. I HATE that my son has to grow up in a world like this. He will never have the carefree childhood that I had. He will always live in a world where we have daily terror alerts. We will have to explain to him why people hate us as Americans and don't believe in our God, and, as a result, want to harm or kill us. How do you explain something that you don't understand yourself? My heart goes out to all the people affected by the events 8 years ago, and to all the military and missionary families still struggling through the aftermath. God Bless America!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Tractor Pictures
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Fun at the Rome Braves Game
Last Night we went to the Rome Braves Game with some friends. First we went to eat at Olive Garden where Hudson has several new eating experiences: peas, carrots, bread and cheerios. He and Kennedy also ate their weight in puffs. Taking a long time to eat at a restaurant is for people with no kids!
Jackson is the age to really enjoy the game, so he brought balls and bats for all the kids. He made friends with everyone sitting around us. He is really learning to share lately!
Like father like son. Jackson walked up to his dad and looked up, then posed exactly like him.
Brooklyn's beautiful smile. Towards the end of the game, some more people we knew came over and she finally had someone to play with.
Hudson telling his life story to Brandon. Sitting on Homerun hill was a blast, but it is a HILL. The babies were rolling around like little weeble wobbles! We all took turns making sure they didn't topple all the way down. In all the chaos, Hudson managed to get hold of a Little Debbie walnut brownie and start eating it.... through the plastic. I guess we learned a lot of food that he's not allergic to last night! After the game there were fireworks, and I loved getting to enjoy Hudson watching them. He was in awe! He was asleep before we even got to the car.
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