The bubble machine was a big hit! I cleared out a space for the kids and let her rip during the whole party.

Who tied a
balloon to his strap? That's just mean! (He looks like he enjoyed it, though.)

When's this party going to be over?

He had very limited interest in the presents, but liked the wrappings. Since he didn't want to open his presents, I opened them for him, and he eventually drifted over to get into the gifts.

Ooh.... a baseball!

and Kennedy took
turns getting in and out of the bag until it was completely demolished.

He really liked this truck set from Aunt Delores.
I'm glad everything went smoothly for his party. I liked having it somewhere other than our house, and will probably do that again next year.
We had a great time and I thought it was perfectly planned and executed. Way to go Super Mom!!!