I haven't posted anything in a while because we've been so busy. Hudson is getting into the birthday party and social whirl. (Which I think is RIDICULOUS at his age!)
All the babies born last year are starting to turn one. It seems like yesterday we were all pregnant! Here's Hudson at Kennedy's party.

I didn't want Hudson to have a balloon, but his daddy had already given him one and he fell in love with it. He made horrible screechy noises chewing on it and I had to watch him like a hawk.

We weren't sure he if he would wear his party hat, but he left it on the whole time. Here he is chilling with mommy.

This is his surprised look. Somehow we didn't get a picture with him and the birthday girl. Kennedy and her sister Brooklyn are two of the prettiest girls I've ever seen, and they are both
sooooooo smart.

Here's Hudson getting ready to leave church with his warm doggy hat to cover his ears. We had a bit of
a battle over this one, but eventually he left it alone.

By coincidence, Reese also had a furry creature on her head, so we tried to get a good picture of them together. Hudson was more interested in looking at her than the camera!

Reese is a sweet girl, and very well behaved. She even tolerated Hudson when he reached over and put his hand in her mouth! She will have the next party out, then it's Hudson's turn!
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