Yesterday started out GREAT! Hudson was in a good mood and I decided to stay in for the day since it was so yucky outside and have a cozy mommy/ son day. This plan rocked on until about 10:00. Hudson fought his nap for 2 entire hours. I tried everything in my bag of tricks, most of them twice. When he finally went to sleep at 12:15 I had to lay down, too. I was limp like a jellyfish. I have really surprised myself as a mom with how patient I am with Hudson. Yesterday pushed me to the absolute limit. He woke up screaming and kept up his fit throughout the rest of the afternoon. Now, don't think that I don't have sympathy for the little guy: I do. But this was not the typical teething or tummy pain cry. This was an "I'm bored, take me somewhere, let's do something" FIT! Jimmy came home and promptly decided to do some yard work. I felt like that commercial "Don't leave me with the baby!" By dinner time, I was FED UP. Hudson didn't want the particular dish that I served up and started to whine before I even got the spoon into it good. I am the ONLY person that makes him eat things he doesn't want, so it was one more round of me being the bad guy. I decided then and there he WAS going to eat his food. It took 30 minutes, but he ate every bite. I would have thought he just wasn't hungry, but interestingly, he wolfed down the puffs that I put in front of him before turning on his MAD face again. This is not a pitiful cry, folks. This is the face of fury, and I laughed the whole time. The second picture is blurry because he was a moving target, thrashing his head around.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
MAD Face
Yesterday started out GREAT! Hudson was in a good mood and I decided to stay in for the day since it was so yucky outside and have a cozy mommy/ son day. This plan rocked on until about 10:00. Hudson fought his nap for 2 entire hours. I tried everything in my bag of tricks, most of them twice. When he finally went to sleep at 12:15 I had to lay down, too. I was limp like a jellyfish. I have really surprised myself as a mom with how patient I am with Hudson. Yesterday pushed me to the absolute limit. He woke up screaming and kept up his fit throughout the rest of the afternoon. Now, don't think that I don't have sympathy for the little guy: I do. But this was not the typical teething or tummy pain cry. This was an "I'm bored, take me somewhere, let's do something" FIT! Jimmy came home and promptly decided to do some yard work. I felt like that commercial "Don't leave me with the baby!" By dinner time, I was FED UP. Hudson didn't want the particular dish that I served up and started to whine before I even got the spoon into it good. I am the ONLY person that makes him eat things he doesn't want, so it was one more round of me being the bad guy. I decided then and there he WAS going to eat his food. It took 30 minutes, but he ate every bite. I would have thought he just wasn't hungry, but interestingly, he wolfed down the puffs that I put in front of him before turning on his MAD face again. This is not a pitiful cry, folks. This is the face of fury, and I laughed the whole time. The second picture is blurry because he was a moving target, thrashing his head around.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
First Steps
Yesterday when I went to pick Hudson up from his Nana's, he took his first step. He has been cruising for a while now and getting increasingly bold. When I came in the room, he was standing propped up against his Nana. He was so excited to see me that he just took off trying to walk. He made it a step and a half before crashing. Pat and I were just stunned! I've tried to get him to do it again with no success. It may be days, or even another month, but I'll soon have a toddler! sniff sniff
Glad to be Home
I am always glad to be home after travelling, but this time was more intense. The whole ride from the airport, I was worried that Hudson wouldn't remember us, or wouldn't be happy to see us. Well, we got there to pick him up and he was asleep. What an anticlimax! When he woke up, I rushed in to pick him up and he was just his normal self. Not excited, not confused, no reaction whatsoever! It was as if we had never been gone. I'm glad he did so well for his Nana and Grandaddy, but a smile would have been welcome! He achieved a lot of milestones while we were gone: He cut a tooth (E,) He mastered the mmmm sound and is saying mamamama, he slept late for them every morning, he got his first boo- boo from trying to walk between props, and he finally figured out how to feed himself those Gerber puffs. It seemed like we had been gone a month instead of just a few days! He even looked different! (Jimmy says he didn't.) I'm relieved that he did so well and that all my preparations for disaster were in vain, but mostly, I'm just glad to be home with him again!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Ducks and Fish (AKA Park Day)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Mixed Emotions
Next week, Jimmy and I will celebrate our 10 year anniversary. Just saying it makes me feel old. On one hand I'm proud not to have become a "statistic" of divorce, but on the other, I'm kind of sad to be "Old married." I can honestly say that I'm more in love with him now than I was 10 years ago, but it's a different, stronger emotion. The trials of infertility really drew us closer and made us rely on each other and God more than ever. When we became parents, my heart swelled to the bursting point with pride for the dad he is and will be for our son. We are taking the plunge and leaving the baby for the first time to go NYC (my favorite place in the world) for a long weekend. I am slightly nervous, but not panicky. My main concern is that the plane will crash and we'll both die, leaving Hudson an orphan. Crazy, right? I have really thought and prayed about it and realize that to be good parents, we need to keep cultivating our love for one another. We have only been on ONE date since he was born 8 1/2 months ago! NOT GOOD! So, while it will probably be a difficult separation, I'm excited to be spending a little couple time with the man of my dreams! Hudson is very lucky to have a mommy and daddy who love one another. Sadly, one day he will be grown and gone, and we need to not be so consumed with him that we can't properly care for one another.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Bathtime Fun!
WARNING: These pictures contain images of an absolutely adorable, naked baby!
We love bath time at our house and have recently upgraded Hudson to the big tub.
I have been waiting forever for him to have enough hair to spike up in the tub! We're not there yet, but were getting closer.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Hudson is 8 months old
I tried for about 5 minutes to get a good shot, but it wasn't happening. Now I know how to get him to be still! I sat him down in the grass and he just froze!I took him back inside and that's when the action started. In about 2 minutes he hit all his favorite hot spots:
The door stopper...
The vent....
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