I'm so glad that Hudson likes the water! We've been to the pool 5 or 6 times now and he has enjoyed all but the first trip. It was Memorial Day, and I think the water just wasn't warm enough yet. The second time we went was with Mom's Club. It was the most peaceful 3 hours of his life! I guess the water relaxed him and he was content just to float around and watch all the big kids play. The prep time is awful, though!
I am a freak about sunscreen (which he hates!) and then we have the swimmy diaper, hat, and sunblock swim shirt. I've quit doing the sandals because it's cute but frankly a waste of time. He hasn't warmed up to the sprinklers yet- a little too much action I think! The kiddie pool is too cold, but he likes the noise of the rushing water from the mushroom.
Last weekend, Nana, Grandaddy, Aunt Kelly, Hunter, Blake, Jimmy's cousin Matt, and Aunt Delores and Hudson's cousins Olivia and Annabell came over to swim. It was nice having the extra help!. We went in the morning but it was already hot. I wish I'd had a swim shirt on Hudson, but he seems to tan well and not burn.
Aunt Kelly is so fun! She always plays with Hudson. I guess she has a lot of practice with boys! As the day wound to an end, all the kids were exhausted, but wanted to keep playing. The older ones had turned into little daredevils and had shed their floats and were going down the slide.
Here's all the kids after a hard day's swimming. We never got everybody to look in the same direction at the same time for a picture. Hunter is really good about taking care of Hudson and looking after him. Kelly's boys had such a good time they came back and swam with us again later.
Oh boy!Now I can see that beautiful boy of yours when ever I want to. We all appreciate the Sunday morning updates, but that's too long to wait. Love yall, Pam Oh,Brianna will have a fit. The blog is in my favorites.