Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Hand- Me- Downs and a New Shirt
Saturday, June 27, 2009
New Faces
Crawling Soon
It won't be long! Hudson is up on all fours rocking back and forth. Sometimes he'll get his hand lifted, but doesn't seem to know what to do next. He is able to get where he wants by rolling and wiggling. Usually he goes backwards. I hope that when he does start crawling, it's on a day when I'm home with him. I don't want to miss it!
Battle of wills
Friday, June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Miracle of Life
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
First Fathers Day
Hudson always looks up to his dad! What a sweet smile for daddy!
We don't have very many family pictures, so I had a friend snap this at church. I'm not looking so photogenic today, but it's not about me, is it? Hudson's Sunday school teachers traced his hand and made a cute card.
Me, Hudson and my dad (Papa Bob)
We went to the country club for lunch, and when we got home, Jimmy and I were ready for a nap. Unfortunately, no one told Hudson about this plan! He was so sweet and playful, Here's a couple of pics of him giving daddy all his smooches.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Messy Eater
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Mr. Independant
At Hudson's age, stages come and go weekly, if not more quickly. Lately he has switched from crying when I get out of his sight to wanting to do everything for himself. He does OK with his bottle when laying down, but sitting up he can't quite manage it. This pic shows his problem solving skills. If he can't tilt it up to his mouth, he'll lean down to it!
He also thinks that he can feed himself and "help" me change his diaper. That consists of corkscrewing around so that he's bottoms up. He's always been really good about letting me change his clothes, but lately that's reversed too. He fusses every time I lay him down to change his outfit and tries to fight things getting pulled over his head. It's like wrestling and octopus! It seems like every day he gets more fun to be around. Tons of personality for our little man!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Water Bug
I'm so glad that Hudson likes the water! We've been to the pool 5 or 6 times now and he has enjoyed all but the first trip. It was Memorial Day, and I think the water just wasn't warm enough yet. The second time we went was with Mom's Club. It was the most peaceful 3 hours of his life! I guess the water relaxed him and he was content just to float around and watch all the big kids play. The prep time is awful, though!
I am a freak about sunscreen (which he hates!) and then we have the swimmy diaper, hat, and sunblock swim shirt. I've quit doing the sandals because it's cute but frankly a waste of time. He hasn't warmed up to the sprinklers yet- a little too much action I think! The kiddie pool is too cold, but he likes the noise of the rushing water from the mushroom.
Last weekend, Nana, Grandaddy, Aunt Kelly, Hunter, Blake, Jimmy's cousin Matt, and Aunt Delores and Hudson's cousins Olivia and Annabell came over to swim. It was nice having the extra help!. We went in the morning but it was already hot. I wish I'd had a swim shirt on Hudson, but he seems to tan well and not burn.
Aunt Kelly is so fun! She always plays with Hudson. I guess she has a lot of practice with boys! As the day wound to an end, all the kids were exhausted, but wanted to keep playing. The older ones had turned into little daredevils and had shed their floats and were going down the slide.
Here's all the kids after a hard day's swimming. We never got everybody to look in the same direction at the same time for a picture. Hunter is really good about taking care of Hudson and looking after him. Kelly's boys had such a good time they came back and swam with us again later.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Dear Diary
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Hudson's Love of Literature
From the time I found out I was pregnant, I started getting all these great baby and kid books. In my imagination, Hudson and I would cuddle together and read stories and he would amass this great vocabulary and be a child prodigy. The reality is quite different. So far, we've never made it all the way through even one of the literally dozens of books he has.
Wednesday, my friend Joy brought a big bag of books from her kids. This baby words one seems to be his favorite....as a teether! Although we don't actually get to read them, we spend a lot of time with his books. Maybe one day he'll want to hear the stories... SIGH!
Oh yeah, whats up with that "Baby can Read" system? Is that for real? I don't think that either of us have the attention span it would take for that!