Monday, December 14, 2009
Sick Visit
Today had his first sick visit at the Doctor. I have been on pins and needles since Thurs night when started running a low- grade fever. Should I take him or should I not? His slight fever seemed to come and go randomly, and most of the time he was his normal self, playing and getting into mischief. Yesterday we decided that we would definitely take him this morning if he woke up with a fever again. I took him in and (of course) he didn't register a fever in the office. I learned that the rectal thermometer is not the most accurate? Wish I'd have known before poking it into his bottom about a million times to get an accurate temp! So all the times he was registering below 100.5, he actually didn't have a fever. Also, the pediatrician told me that I was wrong to attribute the low- grade fever to shots after the first 24 hours. At this point I was irritable and feeling foolish. The end of the story is that Hudson has some type of viral cold with yucky cough. We are putting him on steroids to try to clear up the congestion, but luckily it's all in his upper respiratory track, not down in his lungs. He has not been contagious, for which I am thankful! It is very stressful making decisions about this stuff! You know in your heart you are a good mom, but all the conflicting advice and modern medical junk makes you second- guess yourself! I'm glad I took him in, if only for my piece of mind, but wish the experience had been somewhat different.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Hudson v. the Pillows
I think Hudson may have a little O.C.D. (like both his parents.) He has to pull every pillow off the couch, love seat and side chairs. If you put them back, he immediately pulls them down again. He also does this at his Nana's house.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Hudson's Birthday Party

His cute smash cake. He want so into the icing, but liked the cake.

When's this party going to be over?

I'm glad everything went smoothly for his party. I liked having it somewhere other than our house, and will probably do that again next year.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Hudson's Birthday

On his birthday when he got up the first thing he did was point at his car and want to go ride. He couldn't even wait to get dressed.

He's already gotten the hang of pushing the button to make it go, but of course he can't steer yet. We had a pitiful little cake that I baked then spackled together with frosting. He enjoyed eating it, and wasn't too messy! At one year old, he is obsessed with opening and closing doors. He's into everything! This week I saw him walking out of the bathroom with his shampoo bottle and haven't seen it since. There's no telling where he hid it! He's pointing at things that he wants and "talking," but there are no really recognizable words yet. He says Da Da and MaMa, but usually only when he's mad at me. He still only has 4 teeth. It has been 5 months now since he got a new tooth. I haven't weighed him in a while, I guess I'll find out his true weight at his 12 month check up next week. We have been going through a little bad spell with his behavior lately, but he seemed to do better yesterday, so maybe that's a thing of the past. Food-wise, he is still a great eater, but it's a mystery what he'll eat on any given day. He likes things one day, then won't eat them the next. I'll be glad when he gets older and I can tell him to eat what he's given, or wait until the next meal. Some days I feel like a short order cook.

In the tunnel at the aquarium. It wasn't very busy, so we just let him roam.

He was fascinated by all the fish and kept trying to touch them through the glass.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Driving with Daddy
The Streak
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Action Man
Hudson has always been an active fella, but now that he's walking, there's just no stopping him! Here are just a couple of action shots that I took this past week.
He's a climber- Hudson loves to climb on anything. I took his tray off the highchair for a much needed cleaning, and when I turned around he had drug it to the door to stand on. May be that extra two inches gave him a better vantage point? Meanwhile, Brady cleaned the tray for me.

Let me outta here! As soon as the tray's off, Hudson has started diving out of his chair. Just some random stuff, but we've been so busy chasing this guy and planning his party that I haven't gotten many good pics lately.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Picnic at Berry
This weekend we went to Berry College for a picnic with our friends, the Taylors. The weather was gorgeous! A last little bit of warm weather before fall sets in. We picked up lunch from one of my favorite delis in Rome, then headed out to a field for our picnic.
The trees were beautiful! We enjoyed just walking and looking at the colors. It was so nice not to have to carry Hudson everywhere we went, or to load up in a stroller.
Hudson and his handsome daddy
Chasing ducks- some of them were quite aggressive, and we later saw a girl throwing bread get nipped by one of the geese.
He was mesmerized by the water and the swan.
Beautiful fall colors. Never a picture with everyone looking the same direction, though!
Sweet, smiling baby.

Jackson the tree hugger. He is such a cute little boy.
He's had enough! One thing you can count on Hudson for is voicing his opinion! He will always let you know when things aren't going his way. At this point we'd been walking for about 45 minutes and he was completely over us, nature, and ESPECIALLY having his picture taken.
After a breather he's all smiles again!

Jackson begs for mercy from the eye- poking monster, Hudson!
All hugs and smiles. Jackson is so sweet with Hudson. He pats him gently on the head like a dog and gives him sweet hugs.
Natalie was worried about snakes and Jackson lost a shoe in the knee- high weeds! We played football with the boys and let them play in the trees, then loaded up to start our ride/ walk over the campus.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Playground
He loves to slide but those rubber soles always stop him too quickly.
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